
Maybe doubt is my religion. But… I’m not certain.

So today’s visit, it would be fair to say, brought up *some stuff* for me. Which I’m still processing, but I’ll try to explain it as far as I can. I went to the Liberal Synagogue in St John’s Wood – here’s its website. I’ve never been to a Liberal Synagogue before. Frankly, growing up Orthodox

Sunday, December 24, 2006 at 10:45 PM

So, I’ve been to quite a few “holiday” parties lately, many of them parties where I literally knew no one and had to stick my hand out and introduce myself, which can be quite good fun when the mood is on you. One such was the Guardian Christmas party last week (very good party, thanks

I know it’s really winter when…

… I’ve done all my Friday shopping and am already making chicken soup by 9.30am. Windy day in Hendon this morning; walking on Brent Street I saw two men lose their kippot in unexpected gusts. In both cases, they clapped their hands to their heads and stared plaintively up as the little black discs whirled off and

Take this matza, it is my body

As a Jewish person living in a Christian country, I’m fascinated by how the patterns of life of the two religions twist around each other, touching intimately at some points, then suddenly distant. While we’re having Chanukah, a very minor festival, Christians are having their biggest celebration of the year. And yet, there are those